10 Foods that Look And Help Body Parts!
We are what we eat, but as it turns out, there is a larger similarQity
between the human body and food than we initially thought. We found 10
foods that look a lot like the body part they actually help. A
coincidence? Maybe but it doesn't take away this handy advice!
Carrot - Eyes

If you slice the carrot, you will easily identify the similarities
between it and the eye. Indeed, the carrot is wonderful for the eyes;
it's rich in vitamins and antioxidants such as beta carotene, which
diminish the risk of ocular degeneration, the number one reason for loss
of sight among adults.
Walnut - Brain

The folds, wrinkles and shape of the walnut are reminiscent of the
brain, and it's little wonder that walnuts are called: "Brain food".
Wall nuts are full of linoleic alpha acid, an unsaturated amino acid of
the Omega 3 type, which is essential to the biological process of the
body. The amino acid has an important function in building brain cells
and keeping them functioning properly.
Celery - Bones

The long and thin stems of the celery look like bones and help them too.
The celery is an excellent source of silicon, which is part of the
molecular structure that gives bones their enormous strength. An
interesting coincidence is that bones are 23% sodium, and so is the
Avocado - Womb

It looks like a womb and is great for fertility, the avocado is a great
source of folic acid, which research finds is great for reducing the
risk of displacement of the cervix. Also, folic acid is recommended for
pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant, as it helps in the
prevention of birth defects.
Oysters - Testicles

Research shows that oysters are very beneficial for the male sexual
organs. Research conducted in Holland found that a diet of oysters
contains a lot of zinc and folic acid, which vastly improve the quality
of the sperm.
Grapefruit- Breast

The similarity between citric fruits and the female breast might be a
coincidence, but it is backed by clear health advantages. The peel of
the grapefruits contain a petrochemical called Limonoid, and research
done on lab animals and human cells has proven that it helps to delay
the reproduction of cancer cells, especially breast cancer.
Tomato - Heart

If you slice a tomato, you'll notice a variety of cells that remind us
of the structure of the heart. Research has found that the Lycopene in
tomatoes serves as an antioxidant and protects the cellular structures
and DNA from the damaging influence of free radicals that damage healthy
cells and may help cancer to grow. Also, Lycopene reduces cholesterol
levels, which may cause heart damage, and even heart disease. And to cap
it all off, if you add a little unsaturated fat to tomatoes (such as
olive or avocado oil), you will be able to absorb the Lycopene 10 times
Red Wine - Blood

Red wine is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, including a material
called Resveratrol which contains great health advantages. The
resveratrol supplies the body protection from damaging factors in the
blood, including bad cholesterol (LDL), it lowers the risk of blood
clots and prevents the contraction of the blood vessels, which allows
for a better blood flow.
Ginger - Stomach

Anyone who's suffered a stomach ache and drank tea with Ginger has
already felt the influence of this plant, so it only makes sense that it
looks a bit similar to the digestion system. Ginger is known for fights
stomach cramps, reducing vomiting and nausea, helps with gassy
digestions and strengthens the mucus layer in the stomach.
Sweet potato - Pancreas

Another food that looks like what it helps, the sweet potato is rich in
beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that defends all the tissues in
the body, including the pancreas, from damages related to old age or

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