- Wash clean trotter and place trotter in a medium pot cover with water. Bring to full boil
then reduce heat to slow simmer. Skim off scum and keep adding boil
water to keep meat covered. Cook until fork penetrates easily.
- Soak wooden ear mushroom in warm water for 30 minutes then put in the
meat pot to cook for couple minutes, remove.
When the trotter's skin is nicely soft, place the trotter on dish to
cool off, strain the stock to another pot, set aside. Remove all bones
and fat, dice meat and skin to the strained stock bring to boil and
reduce to simmer. Make sure the amount of stock is equal to the amount
of meat. Add fish sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
Place each wooden ear mushroom in 6 small bowls, laddle the mixture on
top, saran wrap and refrigerate until served. Slightly press on the
mold, it will loose off easily.
Kiki Rice

Pickled Mustard Greens